New Feature: One click to remind everyone with Bulk Reminder.

Would you like to have a way to remind all those recipients who haven’t used their gift cards yet? You are too busy to remind them one by one? Wouldn’t it be great if you could also choose to take back the gift card in case you feel like they don’t need it anymore? Now, with the new “Bulk Reminder” feature in Resal Glee, it is possible!

Stop wasting your time. Focus on the important stuff.

Here in Resal, we know you’re busy and can’t start reminding your recipients one by one about their unused gift cards. That’s why we added this feature to help do that for you. With our Bulk Reminder feature, you can remind all those recipients who haven’t used their gift cards and send them an email or SMS just to make sure they remember redeeming it before it’s too late.

Also, if you feel like they don’t want it anymore or you sent the wrong card, you can choose to take it back to your balance or send another one. Now go on and create a sense of urgency and remind your recipients to redeem their gift cards as soon as possible because there is nothing worse than an unopened gift.

Get started with Bulk Reminder:

1- Go to “Orders History” under “Orders Management”.
2- Click on the order that you want to remind its recipients.

3- Click on the “Remind Recipients” button.
4- Click “Confirm” on the confirmation message.

5- An Email and SMS message will be sent to all the recipients of this order,
6- a success message “You’ve sent a reminder to all recipients successfully” will show up.

Looking for ways to improve your work environment? Visit Resal Glee and discover the most convenient way to reward your employees.

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